Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Democrats Earn First At-Bat

Hi, Randy Smith here. All4word for those of you who are long-time blog readers, contributors, and commenters.

Thank you to shadowna5 for allowing me to contribute tonight. Let me thank Linda Moeller, Bill Lohmeyer, Terry Ginkins, and Jimmy Hancock for granting me press access to the election board. I hope that we lived up to the practical standards of good journalism.

Journalism is, at root, journaling, and I believe that so long as you reveal your biases it is perfectly acceptable to editorialize while reporting. I hope, for my sake and for shadow5's, that the point of view wasn't too annoying to blog readers.

As it turned out, and as best as we can determine, NA Shadow Council provided the first and most accurate online results of the New Albany municipal elections.

An unexpected technical glitch almost prevented us from providing this service to the public. An unexpected technical glitch delayed the County Clerk's official site from providing preliminary numbers, too. Fortunately, everything came together and for those who simply had to know the results as they came in, NA Shadow Council was able to provide them.

As I told a number of people, I haven't enjoyed myself as much in 30 years. I hope our reporting was useful to you. I look forward to working with NA Shadow Council over the next four years to provide you with timely news and opinion on city council issues.

Thank you again to Linda Moeller and the Floyd County Election Board. You could not have been more gracious to us and to the other members of the press who relied on your outstanding accommodation of the media on election night.

Congratulations to Doug England, our next mayor. Congratulations to Jack Messer, John Gonder, and Kevin Zurschmeide, our returning and new at-large council members. Kevin and John are elected for the first time and Jack's leadership over the past four years was amply rewarded. Maybe someday I'll relate a neat story about the 4,106-4,105 margin for top vote-getter. In a third class city, that would make Jack the mayor.

We extend our personal congratulations to Bob Caesar, who will represent the 2nd District beginning in January. A massive improvement, to our way of thinking. Pat McLaughlin's victory is even sweeter. Pat lost by a narrow margin to incumbent Larry Kochert in 2003 and despite Kochert's attempts to screw Pat this year, McLaughlin won handily. We're equally pleased and happy to extend congratulations to Jeff Gahan, who, despite an inexplicable single-issue stance, has proved to be a true representative of all that is best for New Albany.

We're less enthused, but not totally dismayed by the victory of Diane McCartin Benedetti, or Diane McCartin-Benedetti, depending on who you consult for naming conventions. Undisclosed but adequately confirmed expressions by that council member-elect raise serious questions, but we look forward to seeing whether the new actual5 can live up to the standard set by shadow5's set of issues.

We've been made aware of a serious effort to help the returning 3rd District council member become a true champion of his constituents' interests. Let's hope Mr. Price can mature into an admirable representative for the true interests of those he represents. His victory met expectations.

Mr. Coffey, unopposed this election, remains an embarrassment to his district, his party, and to humanity. Should he evade indictment and conviction for despicable crimes, he will serve for the next four years and can be expected to vote consistently against the interest of his constituents.

Marcey, you did everything and more that anyone could expect in serving this community and navigating the dangerous waters of city government. Congratulations, Ms. Wisman, for your victory and reelection to the important office of City Clerk. Let us know how we can help you.

This will be the first of many requests this blog will make of the new council: Increase the budget, including the salaries, for the office of the City Clerk.

The Democratic victory, the second in two elections, lays the groundwork for a singular opportunity. Fail to achieve progress, and you won't have a shot at a third near-sweep. Republicans have lots of lessons to learn from this election and they will assuredly be trying to discern them.

Take full advantage of the opportunity, Dems, and start to work now. Don't wait until January. Now is the time to seize the reins and develop the program for the future. This time, there won't be any lectures from Uncle Dan, at least none that anyone will listen to. Gahan and Messer, in particular, won't waste a minute on taking advice from the increasingly isolated and irrelevant Mr. Coffey. I doubt that Mr. Gonder and Mrs. Benedetti will waste any time mining the "Bazooka Joe(r)" insights of the last-term council member from the former 1st District.

That leaves you, Mr. McLaughlin. With whom will you align yourself? The Coffey Clatch or the future? If even Mr. Price is prepared to abandon the failed policies of "Councilman Cappucino," mightn't you see the advantage of aligning yourself with the 21st Century instead of the 19th?

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