Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Footprints in the Sand

I was born on a beach. I still have sand in my Shakas.

So when I think of impressions, I recall the dawn of day on the Atlantic coast. The health-walkers, the shell-seekers, and yes, the transients, will have left their impressions on the sand.

I took a long walk on New Albany Beach Monday night and came away with a few impressions.

- Shinin and Snubbin
- Sleight of Hand
- Parade of Ignorance
- Caffeynated Four Years?
- Shallower and Shallower
- He-Earned-It, But-How, Precisely?
- Denison Making Mark

People of all stripes, knowing my interest, have asked me if the "new" council will be an improvement. I've hedged, but had been cautiously optimistic. Two "removals" and one "addition" would dictate that things must improve. The optimist in me said the other new council members would join, ultimately, if not immediately, with the Democratic wing of the Democratic Party, and the progressive element on the council. That, to my frequent surprise, includes the lone Republican, who can probably be relied on to support his own party members in electoral matters, but on civic matters usually chooses to engage his brain.

Imagine my chagrin after attending Monday's first meeting of the New Albany City Council. Replacing the "Gang of Four" is a new, perhaps more perilous "Gahang of Five."

Dios mio!

For the time being, Shadow5 will look to the mayor, not the council, for leadership of a progressive stripe. Who'd a thunk it?

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