Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Wouldn't It Have Been Cool If...

...Pat McLaughlin and Diane Benedetti had attended a few council meetings over the past two years? Think they might have reconsidered giving their vote to Dan Coffey?


Iamhoosier said...

Just a humble suggestion. How about spacing out your posts? There are several days between Council meetings.

Happy Hoosier said...

What really irrates me is the fact that 3 out of 4 of the new council candidates independently came to Jack Messer and asked him to run for President. Then they didn't have the courtesy to give him a telephone call to tell him that they had changed their mind...talk about blind sided!
But what really irks me is the way all the citizens and council members talk about how horrible Dan Coffey is for this city...then put him in as Vice...you've got to be kidding!!!!

Coop said...

I agree on the fact that those running for council should have taken the time to attend meetings.

However I think Mr. Coffey should be careful of what he wishes for. He just might get it. I look for those two to butt heads often this coming year.

I think the close connection with Gahan is going to be with the Mayor. Look for the Mayor to get off easy and free from Gahan's gavel.