Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Eye on Tomorrow

If you read nothing else this week, please chow down on this story by John Gilderbloom and Matt Hanka in the May issue of Louisville magazine.

Reinventing Louisville. Please know that this link ONLY takes you to the main page. Click on past issues and seek out page 48-49 and zoom UP to be able to read it. (Could the interface BE any more difficult?) Bet it was free!

Among other inspiring snippets in this illuminating piece is this:

Two-way streets should be at the heart of a city's downtown development strategy. Neighborhoods become more sustainable, livable and prosperous with two-way streets. Conversions to two-way have already happened in more than 100 cities around the United States. Cities such as Chicago, Dallas and Minneapolis are reverting to two-way streets, which have resulted in larger influxes of upwardly mobile residents. So far, Louisville has not made proper use of this planning tool to save and enhance our downtown neighborhoods. As the traffic slows, bike lanes are put in and sidewalks are widened, the surrounding landscape becomes more livable and desirable.

Gilderbloom and Hanka are with U of L's Center for Sustainable Urban Neighborhoods.

Any guesses what shadowna5 might want to share with council on June 19th? Of course, that would be during "non-agenda" items. This is New Albany, after all. How could such a prescient vision be on the "agenda?"

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